Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area)

No 88, Wenyuan Road, near Zhongshan South Road, Suzhou, China



Politique de l'hôtel

Prix du petit-déjeuner
CNY118($16.2) / pièce
Type du petit-déjeuner
à partir de 14:00
jusqu'à 12:00
Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area), Il est situé sur Wenyuan Road, Wujiang District, Suzhou, près de Zhongshan South Road, à proximité de Suzhou yishe Hot Spring, Tianyi Hot Spring, wangshan Scenic Spot, Shihu Scenic Spot, Tongli Ancient Town, Lili Ancient Town, North Lian Rape Flower base.
L'hôtel dispose d'une chambre familiale pour enfants, le petit déjeuner est très attentionné pour les enfants à préparer de jolis petits paquets de repas.La température de l'eau de la piscine est appropriée, il y a une zone spéciale pour les enfants, la profondeur de l'eau est d'environ 0,7m.Le Centre de fitness KTV, le terrain de football, etc. sont tous de bons projets d'expérience pour vous.
Le Lobby Bar de l'hôtel, le restaurant chinois et occidental et la salle de banquet multifonctionnelle fournissent aux clients de loin des spécialités internationales et nationales et des spécialités représentatives. Le prix est très amical, et il ya une salle à manger pour enfants, très attentionné.
Le Centre de conférences de l'hôtel dispose d'une salle de banquet multifonctionnelle pouvant accueillir plus de 700 personnes, ainsi que de plusieurs salles de conférence de différentes tailles, d'un large éventail d'équipements de conférence de haute technologie et d'un service de conférence bien formé et professionnel pour assurer le bon déroulement de vos réunions.

FAQ de l'hôtel

Afficher plus
  • Quels sont les horaires d'arrivée et de départ à Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) ?

    L'enregistrement s'effectue à partir de 14:00 et le départ jusqu'à 12:00 à Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area).

  • L'établissement Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) dispose-t-il d'une piscine et d'une salle de fitness?

    Oui, l'hôtel dispose d'une piscine et d'une salle de sport. Voir plus de détails.

  • L'établissement Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) dispose-t-il un restaurant sur place ?

    Oui, vous pouvez manger à l'hôtel.

  • Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) dispose-t-il d'une connexion haut débit ou Wifi?

    Oui, veuillez contacter la réception de l'hôtel pour plus de détails.

  • Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) accepte-t-il le prépaiement?

    Acceptez, veuillez soumettre votre commande avant de nous contacter.

  • Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area) accepte-t-il les cartes de crédit?

    Non, l'hôtel n'accepte pas les cartes de crédit.

  • Combien coûte le petit déjeuner de Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area)?

    Petit déjeuner CNY118 / personne.

  • Quel est le tarif d'un séjour à l'établissement Dyna Sun International Hotel (Suzhou East Taihu Lake Scenic Area)?

    Les tarifs commencent à partir de CNY500, selon le type de chambre et la date.



  • 4.0
  • not badFamily Suite
  • 4.3
  • It's always good enough to meet the five-star standard. The service is warm and proactive. I feel very friendly. It's more convenient to eat breakfast rinse cards than paper breakfast rolls. There are a lot of breakfast varieties. In particular, the yogurt made by the hotel is very delicious, the check-in and check-out procedures are fast, the hotel ground parking lot is large, there are meals and shopping around, and it's a little away from the entrance of the expressway, The hotel is in the middle of the two exits. Generally speaking, it is quite convenient.Deluxe Queen Room
  • 4.5
  • not badDeluxe Twin Room
  • 4.0
  • Good serviceFamily Room
  • 5.0
  • The environment is goodDeluxe Queen Room
  • 4.5
  • The hotel is old and the breakfast is richDeluxe Twin Room
  • 4.5
  • Overall, all aspects were pretty good! In terms of hardware, it basically meets the five-star standard, but I don't know whether it is because it is located in a remote area of Wujiang District, which is convenient for self driving and parking, but it's not safe to park, especially at night, because the parking management is not standardized and basically unmanaged! Good room service! There are many people in the buffet. You need to find a seat in the morning. The dishes are rich!Deluxe Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • The environment is very good. It's quiet in the middle of trouble. There's a RT Mart next to it. It's very fast to check in. Although there are a lot of people during holidays, the service is still very friendly. There are waiters all the way to say hello, which makes people feel like going home. The service is very friendly. The five-star star is really worthy of its name!Deluxe Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • The environment is very good. After all, it's five-star, very luxurious, and the waiter's attitude is also very good... Very satisfiedDeluxe Twin Room
  • 5.0
  • Good locationDeluxe Queen Room
  • 4.8
  • As always, I have checked in three times in the past month, but this time I live in a single room because the 'summer vacation' of the executive room is over. The facilities are also perfect, and the windows can be ventilated. I will stay in Wujiang next time.Deluxe Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • The hotel didn't have to say. I almost couldn't book it. I'm satisfied with everything. Thank manager Wang and front desk Miss Ding and Miss Lu for their warm reception and small gifts. The whole family was very happy.Family Suite
  • 5.0
  • Very good. Every aspect of the service and environment were very comfortableExecutive Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • It's the third time. Good.Family Suite
  • 3.8
  • The hotel service is good, but the hygiene is not good. There are several long hairs on the table!Deluxe Queen Room
  • 4.8
  • The five stars are different. The service is speechless, and the catering is not too expensive.Executive Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • The location is good, clean and tidy.Deluxe Twin Room
  • 4.3
  • Very cost-effective, very good.Deluxe Twin Room
  • 5.0
  • not badDeluxe Queen Room
  • 5.0
  • The room is small.Deluxe Queen Room